General Knowledge 2021 by MANOHAR PANDY (arihant Publications)
1. General Knowledge 2021 is a compact version of all current events of the whole year.
2. Divided into 5 Key Sections; History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science and General Knowledge.
3. A separate section has been provided for Current Affairs
4. Provides accurate, perfect and complete coverage of facts.
5. It is useful for the preparation of SSC, Bank, Railway, Police, NDA/CDS and various other competitive exams.
General knowledge has become the essential part for human social life. Have little knowledge about most of the hot topics it not only makes aware of the world but also gives you the satisfaction of being socially accepted. The more you keep yourself aware & updated with happenings around you the better you perform, not just in the various exams but also at your work by making better decisions according to the recent tastes and preferences in the market.
Get the compact version of all current events of the whole year with new edition of the ‘General Knowledge 2021’. This book has been prepared for the students who are going to appear for the various upcoming examinations. It covers the key subjects including History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science and General Knowledge with latest facts and updates supported by figures,graphics and tables. A separate section has been provided for Current Affairs right in the beginning of the book promoting actual knowledge from recent happening occurred at different areas. Providing accurate, perfect and complete coverage of facts, it is a complete general knowledge book, useful for the preparation of SSC, Bank, Railway, Police, NDA/CDS and various other competitive exams.
Current Affairs, History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science and General Knowledge.
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