The present book on NCC is published for the benefit of all the cadets of National Cadet Corps. The book covers all aspects of NCC training in appropriate detail and comprises the latest Study Material on both common and specialised subjects with exhaustive exercises. Solved model test papers are also provided in the book to make the readers familiar with the test-pattern of NCC Certificate exams. Detailed answers have also been provided for better understanding of readers. The book concisely covers all aspects of NCC training and exams such as: ncc–at a Glance, drill & commands, weapon training, map reading, field craft & battle craft, obstacles training & adventure activities, National integration, Civil defence & disaster Management, social awareness, health & hygiene, yoga & aasnas, home nursing, posture training, self defence, environment & ecology, famous leaders of India, etc. There are separate units in the book on A career in defence services, defence services, leadership & personality Development, services tests & interviews, General Awareness, history of India, etc. The book, with a simplified and reader-friendly approach, has been prepared under the active guidance and supervision of a panel of experts in the field. The sole aim of the book is to turn the young school and college students into full-fledged cadets of NCC.
Quarterly current affairs by DISHA EXPERTS (DISHA PUBLICATIONS) - 2020
1.Quarterly Current Affairs Volume-I (Jan-March)
Quarterly current Affairs Vol. 1 - January to March 2020 for Competitive exams is a unique handy 2 colour MacBook as it gives the complete update of the 1st three months of 2020.
- This new edition now comes with Past Questions of various exams; practice questions for IAS Prelims & Mains; essays; case studies for ethics GS Paper 4 etc.
- The book talks of all the recent envelopments in the field of Polity, Economics, Science & technology, Sports, Art & culture etc.
- The book has been updated with an exam special update - Banking, Railways, Agriculture, environment, Science & technology.
- This book would prove to be an asset for all students aspiring for the different competitive exams.
- The book uses unique analytical tools like game Changers, Causes & effects, quote & Unquote, at a Glance, emerging trends, SWOT, mind Maps, essays, essay ideas etc...,
2.Quarterly Current Affairs Volume - II (April -June)
Quarterly current Affairs Vol. 2 - April to June 2020 for Competitive exams is a unique handy MacBook as it gives the complete update of the 2nd quarter of 2020.
- This new edition now comes with Past Questions of various exams; practice questions for IAS Prelims & Mains; essays; case studies for ethics GS Paper 4 etc.
- The book talks of all the recent envelopments in the field of Polity, Economics, Science & technology, Sports, Art & culture etc.
- The book has been updated with an exam special update - Banking, Railways, Agriculture, environment, Science & technology.
- This book would prove to be an asset for all students aspiring for the different competitive exams.
- The book uses unique analytical tools like game Changers, Causes & effects, quote & Unquote, at a Glance, emerging trends, SWOT, mind Maps, essays, essay ideas etc.
3.Quarterly Current Affairs Volume - III (July - September)
Quarterly current Affairs Vol. 3 - July to September 2020 for Competitive exams is a unique handy Macbeth as it gives the complete update of the Third quarter (July to September) of 2020.
- This new edition now comes with Past Questions of various exams; practice questions for IAS Mains; essays; case studies for General Studies etc.
- The book talks of all the recent developments in the field of Polity, Economics, Science & technology, Sports, Art & culture etc.
- Exclusive coverage of latest topics like nep, RBI mpc latest meet, Rafael, coronavirus update, Ram Mandir shilanayas etc.
- The book has been updated with an exam special update - Banking, Railways, Agriculture, environment, Science & technology.
- This book would prove to be an asset for all students aspiring for the different competitive exams.
- The book uses unique analytical tools like game Changers, Causes & effects, quote & Unquote, at a Glance, emerging trends, SWOT, mind Maps, essays, essay ideas etc.
4.Quarterly Current Affairs Volume - IV (October - December)
kiran`s SSC JE Electrical Self Study and guide cum practice work book
Kiran SSC junior engineer electrical Engineering including Solved Papers of 2019 self study guide cum Practice work book (English Medium) (3125)
content study material
01:- Basic concepts
02:- circuit law
03:- magnetic circuit
04:- a.C fundamental
05:- Measurement and measuring instrument
06:- dc machine
07:- Transformer
08:- Induction motors
09:- fractional kilowatt motors and single Phase motors
10:- synchronous machine
11:- generation
12:- transmission and Distribution
13:- Earthing practices and IE rules
14:- illumination
15:- electric heating
16:- electric welding
17:- Electroplating
18:- electric drives and motors
19:- Basic electronics General Awareness general Intelligence and Reasoning 15 Model practice sets:
subject:- General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness technical knowledge
solved papers:-
Set-16:- SSC junior engineer exam, 09.06.2013 General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness general engineering (electrical)
Set-17:- SSC junior engineer (electrical) Exam, 25.05.2014 (Test Form No.872 So6) General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness general engineering (electrical)
set-18:- SSC junior engineer (electrical) Exam, 25.05.2014 (Test Form No.321 GK4) General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness general engineering (electrical)
Set-19:- SSC junior engineer (electrical) Exam, 31.01.2016 General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness general Awareness general engineering (electrical)
Set-20:- SSC junior engineer (electrical) Exam, 03.03.2017 General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness general engineering (electrical)
Set-21:- SSC junior engineer (electrical) Exam, 22.01.2018 (Morning Shift) General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness general engineering (electrical)
Set-22:- SSC junior engineer (electrical) Exam, 24.01.2018 (Evening Shift) General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness general engineering (electrical)
Set-23:- SSC junior engineer (electrical) Exam, 26.09.2019 (Morning Shift) General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness general engineering (electrical)
Set-24:- SSC junior engineer (electrical) Exam, 26.04.2019 (Evening Shift) General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness general engineering (electrical).
Standard Books For SSC
Standard Books For SSC
1. Lucent`s General Knowledge.
Lucent's General Knowledge (2018-2019) Session by Dr. Binay Karna.
Buy now from Amazon with 100% security.
Buy now from Amazon with 100% security.
2. Lucent`s General Science
Lucent's General Science (2018-2019) Session by Ravi Bhushan.
Kiran Railway Non Technical NTPC (RRB NTPC), Papra-Medical Staff ,RPF,RPSF,Level-1 Posts CBT 1997-2019 Question Bank Prelim and Main Exams (English Medium)
Kiran Railway Non Technical NTPC (RRB NTPC), Papra-Medical Staff ,RPF,RPSF,Level-1 Posts CBT 1997-2019 Question Bank Prelim and Main Exams (English Medium)
SET-01 RRB Allahabad TC And CC Exam, 08.05.1997
SET-02 RRB Muzaffarpur ASM Exam, 01.06.1997
SET-03 RRB Kolkata ASM Exam, 04.01.1998
SET-04 RRB 08.03.1998
SET-05 RRB, 11.10.1998
SET-06 RRB, 21.03.1999
SET-07 RRB, 24.06.2001
SET-08 RRB Goods Guard Exam, 15.07.2001
SET-09 RRB Chandigarh ASM Exam, 09.03.2003
SET-10 RRB 18.05.2003
SET-11 RRB, 09.01.2005
SET-12 RRB 30.01.2005
SET-13 RRB 27.02.2005
SET-14 RRB Chennai TC Exam, 24.04.2005
SET-15 RRB 08.05.2005
SET-16 RRB Mahendrughat Patna ECRC/CC/SR. Clerk Exam, 15.01.2006
SET-17 RRB 05.02.2006
SET-18 RRB 12.02.2006
SET-19 RRB 16.04.2006
SET-20 RRB, 23.04.2006
SET-21 RRB 07.05.2006
SET-22 RRB 18.06.2006
SET-23 RRB Ajmer Goods Guard Exam, 02.07.2006
SET-24 RRB, 20.08.2006
SET-25 RRB 08.10.2006
SET-26 RRB,05.11.2006
SET-27 RRB 03.12.2006
SET-28 RRB 11.02.2007
SET-29 RRB 11.02.2007
SET-30 DMRC Station Controller Exam, 09.09.2007
SET-31 RRB 16.09.2007
SET-32 RRB 09.12.2007
SET-33 RRB Ranchi 09.12.2007
SET-34 RRB 03.02.2008
SET-35 RRB 13.04.2008
SET-36 RRB 18.05.2008
SET-37 RRB ,23.11.2008 (Second Sitting)
SET-38 RRB 04.01.2009 (First Sitting)
SET-39 RRB ,30.08.2009
SET-40 RRB,10.01.2010
SET-41 RRB,09.01.2011
SET-42 RRB Secunderabad TC/CC Exam, 23.01.2011
SET-43 RRB Mumbai ASM Exam,13.02.2011
SET-44 RRC,06.05.2012 (Ist Sitting)
SET-45 RRC,06.05.2012 (IInd Sitting)
SET-46 RRC,13.05.2012
SET-47 RRC 27.05.2012
SET-48 DMRC Customer Relation Assistant Exam 22.07.2012
SET-49 C.P.E.02.12.2012
SET-50 Jaipur Metro Railway Exam 02.12.2012
SET-51 RRB Mumbau TC And CC Exam, 22.09.2013
SET-52 RRB Allahabad TC And CC Exam, 27.10.2013
SET-53 RRC Delhi Group ‘D’ Exam, 09.11.2014 (1st Sitting)
SET-54 RRB RPF/RPSF Exam, 15.02.2015
SET-55 RRC Gorakhpur Group ‘D’ Exam, 16.11.2017
SET-56 RRC Secunderabad Group ‘D’ Exam, 23.11.2014
SET-57 RRC South Eastern Group ‘D’ Exam, 30.11.2014 (1st Sitting)
SET-58 DMRC Stenographer Exam, 28.02.2016
SET-59 RRB NTPC Graduate Online Exam, 28.03.2016
SET-60 RRB NTPC CBT (Prelim Exam), 28.03.2016 (Shift-II)
SET-61 RRB NTPC CBT (Prelim Exam), 30.03.2016 (Shift-III)
SET-62 RRB NTPC ,31.03.2016 (Morning Shift)
SET-64 RRB NTPC CBT TC/CC Exam, 04.04.2016
SET-65 Railway NTPC Graduate Level CBT (Stage-I), 05.04.2016 (Shift-III)
SET-66 RRB NTPC Graduate online Exam, 06.04.2016 (Shift-III)
SET-67 RRB NTPC Graduate Level CBT (Stage-I), 11.04.2016 (Shift-II)
SET-68 RRB Non-Technical Popular Category (Graduate) CBT, 28.04.2016
SET-69 DMRC Customer Relationship Asstt. (CRA) Exam, 01.05.2016
SET-70 RRB NTPC Graduate CBT (Main Exam), 17.01.2017 (Shift-I)
SET-71 RRB NTPC CBT (Main Exam), 17.01.2017 (Shift-II)
SET-72 RRB NTPC (Non-Technical) Main Exam, 18.01.2017 (Shift-II)
SET-73 RRB NTPC Graduate CBT (Main exam), 19.01.2017 (Shift-II)
SET-74 RRB NTPC Graduate CBT (Main Exam), 19.01.2017 (Shift-III)
SET-75 DMRC CRA Exam, 22.02.2017 (Shift-II)
SET-76 DMRC CRA Exam, 23.02.2017 (Shift-III)
SET-77 DMRC CRA Exam, 23.02.2017 (Morning Shift)
SET-78 DMRC CRA Exam, 27.02.2017
SET-79 RRC Group ‘D’ Exam, 17.09.2019 (Shift-I) How to Prepare for Psychological Test Composition of Assistant Station Master’s Test Battery
SET-82 RRB RPF/RPSF Exam 19.12.2018
SET-83 RRB RPF/RPSF Exam 06.01.2019
SET-84 RRB RPF/RPSF Exam 11.01.2019
SET-85 RRB RPF/RPSF Exam 16.01.2019
SSC Junior Engineers-2020 Electrical Engineers Paper-I Updated on 20 October 2020
SSC Junior Engineers-2020 Electrical Engineers Paper-I Books Updated on 20 October 2020 book
Best books to prepare SSC JE -2020 Paper- I. Go through this books.
1. Arihant publications

Why this Book is prefer is:
1. SSC JE Electrical Engineering Paper 1 is a complete source of preparation for exam
2. The book is divided into 3 parts
3. Separate theory for each section covering full syllabus
4. Chapters in each section consist of sufficient numner of MCQs
5. 3 Solved papers with detailed solutions
6. 3 Mocktest papers for self practice Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is an organization under Government of India to recruit staff for various posts in the various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and in Subordinate Offices.
“SSC Junior Engineers (CPWD/MES) Electrical Engineering Papers 1” for Computer Based 2020 is aiming to be an essential step in the preparation of SSC JE examination, couple with varieties of Practicing and Previous Years’ Paper to the pattern. Entire syllabus of has been divided into chapters under 3 categories; General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness and Electrical. Theories provided in it, highlights the silent features. Chapters in each section carry sufficient number of MCQs for quick revision. Solved Papers and Mocktest are given for rigorous practice and to take a record of the self progress. Well in detailed answers are provided for the solved papers helping students to revise all the tricks, methods, concepts and formulae quickly and easily. Enclosed with such an effective set of study material, it will success in this upcoming examination TABLE OF CONTENT Solved Paper 2018, Solved Paper 2017, Solved Paper 2015, Part – A: General Intelligence & Reasoning, Part – B: General Awareness, Part – C: Electrical, Mocktest.
General Knowledge 2021 by MANOHAR PANDY (arihant Publications)

General Knowledge 2021 by MANOHAR PANDY (arihant Publications)
1. General Knowledge 2021 is a compact version of all current events of the whole year.
2. Divided into 5 Key Sections; History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science and General Knowledge.
3. A separate section has been provided for Current Affairs
4. Provides accurate, perfect and complete coverage of facts.
5. It is useful for the preparation of SSC, Bank, Railway, Police, NDA/CDS and various other competitive exams.
General knowledge has become the essential part for human social life. Have little knowledge about most of the hot topics it not only makes aware of the world but also gives you the satisfaction of being socially accepted. The more you keep yourself aware & updated with happenings around you the better you perform, not just in the various exams but also at your work by making better decisions according to the recent tastes and preferences in the market.
Get the compact version of all current events of the whole year with new edition of the ‘General Knowledge 2021’. This book has been prepared for the students who are going to appear for the various upcoming examinations. It covers the key subjects including History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science and General Knowledge with latest facts and updates supported by figures,graphics and tables. A separate section has been provided for Current Affairs right in the beginning of the book promoting actual knowledge from recent happening occurred at different areas. Providing accurate, perfect and complete coverage of facts, it is a complete general knowledge book, useful for the preparation of SSC, Bank, Railway, Police, NDA/CDS and various other competitive exams.
Current Affairs, History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science and General Knowledge.
ఇంటి ముందు గడ్డి మొలిస్తే కొంతమంది పీకి అవతల పడేస్తారు,
అదే గడ్డిని తెచ్చి వినాయక చవితికి దేవుడి దగ్గర పెట్టి పూజ చేస్తారు,
ఈరోజు మిమ్మల్ని వద్దనుకుని విసిరేసిన వాళ్ళే.......
ఏదో ఒక్కరోజు నీ విలువ తెలుసుకోని మిమ్మల్ని వెతుక్కుంటూ...మీ దగ్గరకి వస్తారు.
జీవితం ఎలా ఉండాలి అనే ప్రశ్నకు అనేకమంది అనేక రకాల సమాధానాలు చెప్తారు...
నిజానికి, జీవితం గురించి పాఠాలుగా తెలుసుకోవడం కాకుండా అనుభవీస్తేనే అసలైన అవగాహనా వస్తుంది.
ప్రతి ఒక్కరి జీవితం లో సంతోషాలు, దుఃఖాలు రెండు ఉంటాయి.
కానీ, అవి ఎప్పుడు దూరం అవుతాయి అనేదే అసలైన చిక్కుముడి.
ఆ చిక్కుముడి మనకు తెలిస్తే జీవితం ఆసక్తికరంగా ఉండదు.
ఉందుకే, ప్రతి ఒక్కరి జీవితంలో ఒడిదుడుకులు ఉంటాయి.
అదే జీవిత సత్యం.
అదే గడ్డిని తెచ్చి వినాయక చవితికి దేవుడి దగ్గర పెట్టి పూజ చేస్తారు,
ఈరోజు మిమ్మల్ని వద్దనుకుని విసిరేసిన వాళ్ళే.......
ఏదో ఒక్కరోజు నీ విలువ తెలుసుకోని మిమ్మల్ని వెతుక్కుంటూ...మీ దగ్గరకి వస్తారు.
జీవితం ఎలా ఉండాలి అనే ప్రశ్నకు అనేకమంది అనేక రకాల సమాధానాలు చెప్తారు...
నిజానికి, జీవితం గురించి పాఠాలుగా తెలుసుకోవడం కాకుండా అనుభవీస్తేనే అసలైన అవగాహనా వస్తుంది.
ప్రతి ఒక్కరి జీవితం లో సంతోషాలు, దుఃఖాలు రెండు ఉంటాయి.
కానీ, అవి ఎప్పుడు దూరం అవుతాయి అనేదే అసలైన చిక్కుముడి.
ఆ చిక్కుముడి మనకు తెలిస్తే జీవితం ఆసక్తికరంగా ఉండదు.
ఉందుకే, ప్రతి ఒక్కరి జీవితంలో ఒడిదుడుకులు ఉంటాయి.
అదే జీవిత సత్యం.
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